Let thy bowels also be full of charity towards all men, and to the household of faith, and let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly; then shall thy confidence wax strong in the presence of God; and the doctrine of the priesthood shall distil upon thy soul as the dews from heaven.
D & C 121:45
As fearful as the daily news headlines are and even though there are violence and ominous uncertainty continually on almost every hand, there is no problem, national or personal, which could not be solved, and solved easily, if men and nations would turn their hearts and lives to God. It would be so simple.
He is our father, the actual father of our spirits. He is the father of all men. We are His children. He knows us; He loves us. He may not like all we do, but of one thing we can be sure He loves His children. Yes, He is a loving Heavenly Father.
And He is there.
How comforting and reassuring it is each day as we behold the wonders of the universe and this beautiful world on which we live. We can see His hand in the matchless order with which the heavenly bodies move and the delicate beauty of the flowers and trees and other growing things, all of them bearing silent witness of His existence.
How stimulating and edifying to approach Him in prayer each morning and evening and feel His nearness and His love as we acknowledge His hand, and in our need, seek His help. What a blessing to be able to approach the source of life and light and be strengthened and renewed by just humbly seeking and asking.
Even in tragedy He is there. When traumatic challenges come and a life hangs in the balance or is hopelessly marred and the future is dark and hope grows dim and time seems long He is there. His reassuring feeling comes through, seemingly saying, “I am here, do not worry; this will be for your good if you endure it well. Trust in me.”
as we seek we will find treasures there
“Let us do whatever is required to qualify for the Holy Ghost as our companion, and then let us go forward fearlessly so that we will be given the powers to do whatever the Lord calls us to do. That growth in power to serve may come slowly, it may come in small steps that are difficult for you to see, but it will come.”
Henry B. Eyring
“Do you wish to partake of this living water and experience that divine well springing up within you to everlasting life? Then be not afraid. Believe with all your hearts. Develop an unshakable faith in the Son of God. Let your hearts reach out in earnest prayer. Fill your minds with knowledge of Him. Forsake your weaknesses. Walk in holiness and harmony with the commandments. Drink deeply of the living waters of the gospel of Jesus Christ.”
Joseph B. Wirthlin
“The Divine Shepherd has a message of hope, strength, and deliverance for all. If there were no night, we would not appreciate the day, nor could we see the stars and the vastness of the heavens. We must partake of the bitter with the sweet. There is a divine purpose in the adversities we encounter every day.
They prepare, they purge, they purify, and thus they bless.”
James E. Faust
An important reminder for ALL of us... to never forget: You are a son (or daughter) of the most glorious Being in the universe, our Heavenly King… and you were born to someday become like Him, to receive ALL He has in store for you. Be true to your divine nature, and live up to who you really are and can become. You are destined for GREATNESS!
The most powerful Being in the universe knows you, and loves you personally and perfectly. He sees you as you are capable and designed to become. May we ever believe, trust, and understand our true eternal worth and potential. May we be worthy of the precious blessings God has in store for us.”
Dieter F. Uchtdorf
“We did not come to this earth to gain our worth we brought it with us. Let us pray earnestly as we fight against thoughts that will loom up wearing different masks, seeking to catch us off guard and creep in like termites to put our worth in question. The enemy seeks to instill feelings of failure in us, of being unloved, unappreciated, and unworthy. Make no mistake: these feelings must not be nurtured and fed. The cost is too high. It will take the joy out of living.”
Ardeth G. Kapp