Tuesday, August 7, 2012

let this cup pass

 In the beginning was the gospel preached through the Son. And the gospel was the word, and the word was with the Son, and the Son was with God, and the Son was of God.
 The same was in the beginning with God.
All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made which was made.
 In him was the gospel, and the gospel was the life, and the life was the light of men;

John 1:1-4  Joseph Smith Translation

Some years back I was pondering the scripture

O my Father, if it be possible,
let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.

Matthew 26:36

More specifically I was pondering the word cup, what did it mean, so I went to the dictionary to look up the word cup this would lead me from one word to another and another as I looked up each word and there definitions this would lead me to what I (Susan Powers) feel is the true definition of cup. I am forever beholden to Our Lord and Savior. The very words we read and speak are of His creation. I did not deviate from the words or definition unless the word would repeat itself. It amazed me how almost every word applies to the Atonement or some part of the gospel.

Cup - small drinking vessel
Vessel – a container
Container – enclose, include, ** hold within
Include - comprise
Comprise - cover
Cover – protect, hide, place something over
Protect – shield from injury
Shield – broad piece of armor carried on the arm
Armor – protective covering
Wherefore, lift up your hearts and rejoice, and gird up your loins,
and take upon you my whole armor, that ye may be able to withstand the evil day,
having done all, that ye may be able to stand.

Doctrine and Covenants 27:15

**Hold – possess, restrain, grasp
Possess – have as property, or as a quality, control

And seek the face of the Lord always, that in

patience ye may possess your souls, and ye shall have eternal life.

Doctrine and Covenants 101:38
Property – quality peculiar to an individual
Peculiar – characteristic of only one

But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people;

 that ye should shew forth the praises of him who

hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light:

1 Peter 2:9

 Foot note Peculiar GR purchased, preserved;

Ex. 19:5 the Heb. word is segullah, meaning “special possession or property.”

Characteristic – distinguishing quality
Distinguishing – perceive as different, set apart, discern
Discern – discover with the eyes and mind
Discover – make known
Known – perceive directly or understand
Perceive - realize
Realize – make actual, **obtain, beware
Actual – really existing
Existing – actual being
Being - existence
**Obtain – gain by effort
Effort – putting forth of strength
Strength – make grow
Grow – maturity , advance increase
Maturity – carefully consider, developed
Developed – grow, increase, evolve
Evolve – develop, change by degree
Change – make or become different, exchange
Exchange – the giving or taking of one thing in return for another
Giving – put into the possession or keeping of another, pay, perform, contribute or donate, utter, yield to force, surrender
Utter - absolute
Absolute – pure, free from restriction, definite
Definite – having distinct limits, clear in meaning, intent or identify
Limits – boundary, confines
Boundary- line marking, extent, separation
Separation – divide
Divide - distribute
Distribute – spread, hand out
Spread – unfold, scatter
Unfold – reveal, develop
Reveal – make known, show plainly
Show – demonstrate, ** teach
Demonstrate – show clearly or publicity explain
Explain – give reason for
**Teach – tell or show fundamental, cause to know consequences, import knowledge
Fundamental – basic of central importance or necessity
Necessity – very great need, something that is necessary, circumstances that cannot be changed
Necessary – indispensable, inevitable
Indispensable – absolutely essential
Inevitable – incapable of being avoid or escaped

One of the great consolations of this Easter season is that because Jesus walked such a long, lonely path utterly alone, we do not have to do so. His solitary journey brought great company for our little version of that path the merciful care of our Father in Heaven, the unfailing companionship of this Beloved Son, the consummate gift of the Holy Ghost, angels in heaven, family members on both sides of the veil, prophets and apostles, teachers, leaders, friends. All of these and more have been given as companions for our mortal journey because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ and the Restoration of His gospel. Trumpeted from the summit of Calvary is the truth that we will never be left alone nor unaided, even if sometimes we may feel that we are. Truly the Redeemer of us all said: “I will not leave you comfortless: My Father and I will come to you and abide with you.”
My other plea at Easter time is that these scenes of Christ’s lonely sacrifice, laced with moments of denial and abandonment and, at least once, outright betrayal, must never be reenacted by us. He has walked alone once. Now, may I ask that never again will He have to confront sin without our aid and assistance, that never again will He find only unresponsive onlookers when He sees you and me along His Via Dolorosa in our present day. As we approach this holy week Passover Thursday with its Paschal Lamb, atoning Friday with its cross, Resurrection Sunday with its empty tomb—may we declare ourselves to be more fully disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, not in word only and not only in the flush of comfortable times but in deed and in courage and in faith, including when the path is lonely and when our cross is difficult to bear. This Easter week and always, may we stand by Jesus Christ “at all times and in all things, and in all places that we may be in, even until death,” for surely that is how He stood by us when it was unto death and when He had to stand entirely and utterly alone. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Jeffrey R. Holland
"He who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious".

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