“How magnificently we are blessed! How thankful we ought to be!”
Gordon B. Hinckley
"Now, the atonement of Christ is the most basic and fundamental doctrine of the gospel, and it is the least understood of all our revealed truths. Many of us have a superficial knowledge and rely upon the Lord and his goodness to see us through the trials and perils of life. But if we are to have faith like Enoch and Elijah we must believe what they believed, know what they knew, and live as they lived. May I invite you to join with me in gaining a sound and sure knowledge of the Atonement. We must cast aside the philosophies of men and the wisdom of the wise and hearken to that Spirit which is given to us to guide us into all truth. We must search the scriptures, accepting them as the mind and will and voice of the Lord and the very power of God unto salvation.
As we read, ponder, and pray, there will come into our minds a view of the three gardens of God the Garden of Eden, the Garden of Gethsemane, and the Garden of the Empty Tomb."
As we read, ponder, and pray, there will come into our minds a view of the three gardens of God the Garden of Eden, the Garden of Gethsemane, and the Garden of the Empty Tomb."
"The "good news" was that death and hell could be escaped, that mistakes and sins could be overcome, that there was hope, that there was help, that the insoluble was solved, that the enemy had been conquered. The good news was that everyone's tomb could one day be empty, that everyone's soul could again be pure, that every child of God could again return to the Father who gave them life."
Jeffrey R. Holland
Jeffrey R. Holland
"Imagine yourself as a living house. God comes in to rebuild that house. At first, perhaps, you can understand what He is doing. He is getting the drains right and stopping the leaks in the roof and so on; you knew that those jobs needed doing and so you are not surprised. But presently He starts knocking the house about in a way that hurts abominably and does not seem to make any sense. What on earth is He up to? The explanation is that He is building quite a different house from the one you thought of - throwing out a new wing here, putting on an extra floor there, running up towers, making courtyards. You thought you were being made into a decent little cottage: but He is building a palace. He intends to come and live in it Himself."
“We are sometimes so anxious about our personal images, when it is His image
we should have in our countenances”
we should have in our countenances”
Neil A. Maxwell
“We have no way of knowing when our privilege to extend a helping hand will unfold before us. The road to Jericho each of us travels bears no name, and the weary traveler who needs our help may be one unknown.”
Thomas S. Monson
“No one can do anything permanently to us that will last for eternity. Only
we ourselves can affect our eternal progression.”
we ourselves can affect our eternal progression.”
Marvin J. Ashton
When challenges of heartache, despair, disappointment, come upon us, we go to our knees and thank our Heavenly Father for trusting us enough to give us trials so that we could do our best to try to be like Him.
Christopher W. Moore
“Prayer in the hour of need is a great boon. From simple trials to our Gethsemanes, prayer can put us in touch with God, our greatest source of comfort and counsel.”
Ezra Taft Benson
“Although His time is not always our time, we can be sure that the Lord keeps His promises. For any of you who now feel that He is hard to reach, I testify that the day will come that we all will see Him face to face. Just as there is nothing now to obscure His view of us, there will be nothing to obscure our view of Him. We will all stand before Him, in person… We want to see Jesus Christ now, but our certain reunion with Him at the judgment bar will be more pleasing if we first do the things that make Him as familiar to us as we are to Him. As we serve Him, we become like Him, and we feel closer to Him as we approach that day when nothing will hide our view.”
Henry B. Eyring
“He who conquered death and atoned for the sins of the world, even Jesus Christ, invited each of us to follow His divine example. ‘Follow me’ became His kind instruction. ‘Come, learn of me’ was His personal invitation to the learning that lasts beyond life and which endures through eternity.”
Thomas S. Monson
“Faith is not a theological platitude. It is a fact of life. Faith can
become the very wellspring of purposeful living.”
become the very wellspring of purposeful living.”
Gordon B. Hinckley
“To be untested and unproven is also to be unaware of all that we are. If we are unknowing of our possibilities, with what could we safely be entrusted? Could we in ignorance of our capacities trust ourselves? Could others then be entrusted to us? Thus the relentless love of our Father in heaven is such that in His omniscience, He will not allow the cutting short some of the brief experiences we are having here. To do so would be to deprive us of everlasting experiences and great joy there. What else would an omniscient and loving Father do, even if we plead otherwise? He must at times say no. Furthermore, since there was no exemption form suffering for Christ, how can there be one for us? Do we really want immunity from adversity? Especially when certain kinds of suffering can aid our growth in this life? To deprive ourselves of those experiences, much as we might momentarily like to, would be to deprive ourselves of the outcomes over which we shouted with anticipated joy when this life’s experiences were explained to us so long ago, in the world before we came here.”
Neal A. Maxwell
Christ is the only hope for a remission of sins, eternal reward, and for life and love beyond the grave. Because of Christ, all of us will rise again in a glorious resurrection. Because of Christ, there really is no death only life. Because of Jesus Christ this world has a chance. He is the life and the light and the hope of the world. In a coming day, He will return to this Earth verifying the voice of witnesses that has already rung true in the hearts of believers since that beautiful Sunday morning.
He is not here. He is Risen.
Emily Freeman
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