Monday, June 2, 2014

"Cast not away therefore your confidence."

God’s grace is sufficient! The Lord would tell Joseph again and again through those early difficult days that, just as in the days of old, these modern children of Israel would
be led out of bondage by power, and with a stretched-out arm. . . .
Therefore, let not your hearts faint . . . :
Mine angel shall go up before you. . . .
. . . and also my presence, and in time ye shall possess the goodly land.
D&C 103:17–20

What goodly land? Your goodly land. Your promised land. Your New Jerusalem. Your own little acre flowing with milk and honey. Your future. Your dreams. Your destiny. I believe that in our own individual ways, God takes us to the grove or the mountain or the temple and there shows us the wonder of what his plan is for us. We may not see it as fully as Moses or Nephi or the brother of Jared did, but we see as much as we need to see in order to know the Lord’s will for us and to know that he loves us beyond mortal comprehension. I also believe that the adversary and his pinched, calculating little minions try to oppose such experiences and then try to darken them after the fact. But that is not the way of the gospel. That is not the way of a Latter-day Saint who claims as the fundamental fact of the Restoration the spirit of revelation.

Fighting through darkness and despair and pleading for the light is what opened this dispensation. It is what keeps it going, and it is what will keep you going.
With Paul, I say to all of you:
Cast not away therefore your confidence,
which hath great recompence of reward.
For ye have need of patience, that,
after ye have done the will of God,
ye will receive the promise.

Hebrews 10:35–36

I acknowledge the reality of opposition and adversity, but I bear witness of the God of Glory, of the redeeming Son of God, of light and hope and a bright future. I promise you that God lives and loves you, each one of you, and that he has set bounds and limits to the opposing powers of darkness. I testify that Jesus is the Christ, the victor over death and hell and the fallen one who schemes there.
The gospel of Jesus Christ is true, and it has been restored, just as we have sung and testified this morning.
“Fear ye not.” And when the second and the third and the fourth blows come, “fear ye not. . . . The Lord shall fight for you.”
“Cast not away therefore your confidence.” I say this in the sacred and holy name of our Protector and Redeemer,
even the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Jeffrey R. Holland

Bruce R. McConkie
“When you feel overwhelmed by expectations and challenges, do not fight the battle alone…..
drop to your knees in prayer.”
 Anthony D. Perkins
"The first, the middle and the last thing to do is pray." 
Henry B. Eyring
“Prayer is the pattern to know the truth of all things.”  
Lawrence E. Corbridge
Kindness is the essence of a celestial life.
When you choose whether to make or keep a covenant with God,
you choose whether you will leave an inheritance of hope to those who might follow your example. 
Henry B. Eyring
Difficulties allow us to change for the better.
Thomas S. Monson
Obedience is an emblem of our Faith. 
L. Tom Perry
Change your own circumstances instead of expecting your circumstances to be changed by someone else.
 David A. Bednar
If we follow Up the Lord will not let us Down.
M. Russell Ballard
God our Father knows us personally.
Our journey on the path is personal and well lit with The Savior’s Love.
Rosemary M. Wixom
Be the same person you are in the dark, that you are in the light.
 Thomas S. Monson
We are Eternal Beings… endings are not in Our destiny.
There are no true endings...only everlasting beginnings.
Dieter F. Uchtdorf
“May we realize how close to us He is willing to come, how far He is willing to go to help us and how much He loves us.
Thomas S. Monson

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