Saturday, October 11, 2014

Of His Infinite Gift

Of His Infinite Gift
Stephen Robinson
All the negative aspects of human existence brought about by the Fall, Jesus Christ absorbed into himself. He experienced vicariously in Gethsemane all the private griefs and heartaches, all the physical pains and handicaps, all the emotional burdens and depressions of the human family.  He knows the loneliness of those who don’t fit in… He knows the anguish of parents whose children choose wrong.  He knows these things personally and intimately because he lived them in the Gethsemane experience. Having personally lived a perfect life, he then chose to experience our imperfect lives.  In that infinite Gethsemane experience, in the meridian of time, the center of eternity, he lived a billion billion lifetimes of sin, pain, disease, and sorrow.
God has no magic wand with which to simply wave bad things into nonexistence.  The sins that he remits, he remits by making them his own and suffering them.  The pain and heartache that he relieves, he relieves by suffering them himself.  These things can be transferred, but they cannot be simply wished or waved away.  They must be suffered.  Thus, we owe him not only for our spiritual cleansing from sin but for our physical, mental and emotional healings as well, for he has borne these infirmities for us also.  All that the Fall put wrong, the Savior in his atonement puts right.  It is all part of his infinite sacrifice of his infinite gift.
You Are His
Emily Freeman
You are Christ’s. In moments when you question all you know, remember those words.  In moments when you feel alone or frightened, whisper that simple phrase. In moments when you face something that seems bigger than you, consider the promise those three words testify of. You are Christ’s. You are. His.
He will not forget you. He will not forsake you. “The keeper of the gate is the Holy One of Israel and he employeth no servant there.”  He is there. Always. Constant. Forever. Bringing peace. Bringing comfort. Bringing hope. He has graven you on the palms of His hands because you are precious to Him, because you are worth it, because you are His.

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