Monday, April 23, 2012

Believe you are blessed

Be faithful to that which exists nowhere but in yourself.


Believe when others might not.

….. everything in life responds to the song of the heart.

Believe there is always, always, always a way.

When you have exhausted all possibilities, remember this, you haven't.

Believe you are far bigger than anything that can happen to you.

Believe that the little things aren't little.


Believe you are blessed.


Believe you can make a difference.

The more you celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.

Believe in the miracle of the second chance.

Believe in love and everything it touches.


Believe the best about others.

Believe in doing the right thing because it's right.

Believe that the best is yet to be.
Believe in yourself.

Be humble and willing to listen to the Holy Ghost and respond to His promptings.
Place the wisdom of the Lord above your own wisdom.  As you do these things,
the Lord will make more out of your life than you can by yourself.

Only Believe 

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