Wednesday, December 28, 2016

The gift we would like to give to Christ this New Year

Monday, December 26, 2011
a word of encouragement…
by emily freemen

Last night our family gathered to participate in one last tradition.
Out of a well worn envelope we pulled a gold and white Christmas card that we have been writing on since 2003.  First we read over the gift we gave to Christ last Christmas.  It is something we have worked on all year.
Then we discussed the family gift we would like to give to Christ.  You already know what it is…
This morning I woke up and couldn’t believe there are only seven more days until we begin.
In the past few weeks I have received so many emails.  Some filled with anticipation and others with gratitude …this is just what I need right now.  Some have been filled with a lot of desire mixed with a little bit of doubt.  I really want to do this…I just don’t know if I can?  Am I up to the challenge?  Should I start if I am not sure I can finish?
That depends.  What does finish mean to you? Is your goal to spend some time every day in the scriptures?  Might there be some days that only allow for one verse?  If you finish 65 percent of the challenge does that equal out to be 100 percent more than you would have read if you didn’t ever begin?
This is not an all or nothing journey.
This is an anything is remarkable journey.
Since it’s your journey, you decide how each day will go.  Most likely every one of us will have a day here or there were seven pages won’t fit in.  Maybe you will read 14 pages the next day.  Or, perhaps you will visit the blog and read the verse and the thought for that day and find it was enough.  Your heart will know what it needs from this journey.
Honor your heart.
President Gordon B. Hinckley once said, “I have been quoted as saying, “Do the best you can.” But I want to emphasize that it be the very best.  We are too prone to be satisfied with mediocre performance.  We are capable of doing so much better.   …..we must get on our knees and plead with the Lord for help and direction.  
We must then stand on our feet and move forward.”
Remember, all you can do is your best.  And every day you will know exactly what your best is….
Spend some time this week on your knees.
Pray for help and direction.  What does your heart need from this journey?
And perhaps this will be the very best scripture reading experience we have ever had.  And the very best journey we have taken in a long time.  And maybe, just maybe, it will be one of the very best years we can remember.
Because we gave our best. Whatever that best may be.

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