Wednesday, June 10, 2015

A foundation under your feet

A happy home is more than a roof over your head, 
it's a foundation under your feet.

An open porch, a large gable, simple trim, and 2-over-2 windows are all hallmarks of the Farmhouse style

The soul could have no rainbow if the eyes had no tears.

Little and often make much.

Times which are especially trying are times for trying.

If you walk with God, you will be out of step with the world.


He that seeks God has already found Him.

Faith is not an end but a means.


Our fathers teach us what we should become, 
our mothers teach us what we are.

A rose does not know where her scent reaches, 
just as a man does not know who his life will touch.

These Beautiful Nature GIFs Will Leave You Perfectly Relaxed

The hardest mountains in the world to climb are the ones made out of molehills.

Every time you turn green with envy, you are ripe for trouble.

Idleness causes problems only work can solve.


Better to let them wonder why you didn't speak than to wonder why you did.

To admit I was wrong is but saying I am wiser today than I was yesterday.

Joy and pain are friends. To find the one is to hold hands with the other.


Every man must live with the man he makes of himself.

Difficulty is a miracle in its first stage.

Man is still the master of the unspoken word.

Anger is the wind that blows out the lamp of the mind.

Beautiful colorful pictures and Gifs: Fire-Light and Candle animated gifs

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