Thursday, June 25, 2015


"Personal faith is a reality you need in your life. It is a source of strength and comfort and resolution under the happiest and most trying moments of your life."
   Elaine L. Jack

God added another day in your life because someone needs you.

"Perhaps it is true that we are weak. Perhaps we are not wise or mighty. But when God works through us, no one and 
nothing can stand against us." 
 Dieter F. Uchtdorf's

"We will all have disappointments and discouragements that is part of life. But if we will have faith, our setbacks will be but a moment and success will come out of our seeming failures."
 Ezra Taft Benson

"Pressing on in noble endeavors, even while surrounded by a cloud of depression, will eventually bring you out on top into the sunshine."  
 Ezra Taft Benson

"When we promise to follow the Savior to walk in His footsteps and be His disciples, we are promising to go where that divine path leads us. And the path of salvation has always led one way or
 another through Gethsemane."
 Jeffrey R. Holland

"From the Atonement of the Savior flows the soothing salve that can heal our spiritual wounds and remove guilt. However, this salve can only be applied through the principles of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, repentance, and consistent obedience. The results of sincere repentance are peace of conscience, comfort, and spiritual healing and renewal."  
 David A. Bednar

"I have a sure witness that God the Father watches over you in love. He loves each of you. … Because He loves you, He will provide the help that you need to move yourself and others upward along the way 
back to His presence." 
 Henry B. Eyring

"Grand as it is, planet Earth is part of something even grander that great plan of God. Simply summarized, the earth was created 
that families might be." 
 Russell M. Nelson

"Start now. Live a purposeful life. Put the power of the compounding of daily disciplines in place in the important areas of your life. I promise that in a year from now, you will either be glad you started today, 
or you will wish you had." 
 Randall L. Ridd 

ponder the path of thy feet LDS Art Co. blog

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