Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Fwd: not give up, but surrender, submit... the miracle of surrender

The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but your thoughts about it.  
Eckhart Tolle

"The moment you completely accept your non-peace, your non-peace becomes transformed into peace. Anything you accept fully will take you into peace. This is the miracle of surrender." 
Eckhart Tolle

To make meek and teachable, or the condition of being meek and teachable. Humility includes recognizing our dependence upon God and desiring to submit to his will.

"As you submit your will to God, you are giving Him the ONLY thing you can actually give Him that is really yours to give." 
- Neal A Maxwell 
(Everything else already belongs to God!)

14 And I will also ease the burdens which are put upon your shoulders, that even you cannot feel them upon your backs, even while you are in bondage; and this will I do that ye may stand as witnesses for me hereafter, and that ye may know of a surety that I, the Lord God, do visit my people in their afflictions.

 15 And now it came to pass that the burdens which were laid upon Alma and his brethren were made light; yea, the Lord did strengthen them that they could bear up their burdens with ease, and they did submit cheerfully and with patience to all the will of the Lord.

 16 And it came to pass that so great was their faith and their patience that the voice of the Lord came unto them again, saying: Be of good comfort, for on the morrow I will deliver you out of bondage.
Mosiah 24:14-16

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