Wednesday, April 23, 2014

There are no words.

There are No Words
Emily Freeman
I don’t remember much of the details.  What I do remember is a frantic phone call from a father out of the country, worried sick about his daughter who was critically ill. An emergency trip to the hospital was needed.  His wife would have to go alone with the toddler who was sick and a newborn who could not be left behind.
I remember rushing over to their home.  Helping pack diaper bags and overnight bags.  Trying to find matching shoes.  Thinking through the details so the mother, shouldering the burden of anxiety, wouldn’t have to.
I remember Greg meeting us there at the hospital.  The prayers.  Watching doctor after doctor come in and out of the room. I remember the hours of waiting for the husband to fly across the world to be there at her bedside, and the relief that flooded over the mother’s face when he walked in. Greg and I went home then.
It was several weeks later, after the daughter was healthy again, that her mother stopped by with a plate of cookies and a thank you note. I still have the note. I keep it in a drawer in my bedroom, the one where I keep everything I never want to forget. It’s a simple note.  A thank you.
The words left a deep impression on my heart…there are no words expressive enough to convey my gratitude.
There are no words.
It reminds me of a favorite scripture in the Book of Mormon, “I cannot say the smallest part which I feel.”  (Alma 26:16) Sometimes gratitude leaves us without words. I felt that way all day yesterday…surrounded by reminders of the sacrifice and Resurrection of Jesus.
There are no words. In the book of Corinthians we read another verse that describes these moments when there are no words expressive enough to convey our gratitude… “Thanks be unto God of his unspeakable gift.”  (2 Cor. 9:15)
One of the unspeakable gifts is the gift of the Holy Ghost… “God shall give unto you knowledge by his Holy Spirit, yea, by the unspeakable gift of the Holy Ghost…”  (D&C 121:26)
As I think back over the last few months of this journey my heart fills with gratitude.
I have experienced the Spirit in great abundance.
Promptings have come.  Comfort.  Direction.  Guidance. Doors have been opened.
Pathways have been set forth.
I have been led in ways that are unexpected and divinely inspired.
Thinking back over the miraculous circumstances that have filled the mundane moments of my life, I find myself in awe at how clearly the Spirit can speak to us.  How easily it can direct us if we are in tune.
My heart is filled with thanksgiving, and gratitude overflows.
Full to the brim.
There are no words.

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