Saturday, May 3, 2014

Hope is born

“Where doubt is, there faith has no power”
 Joseph Smith
“To be in the hands of God would suggest that we are not only under His watchful care but also that we are guarded and protected by His wondrous power.”
W. Craig Zwick
“We are responsible for the home we build. We must build wisely, for eternity is not a short voyage.”
Thomas S. Monson
“We perhaps need to snatch happiness in little pieces,
learning to recognize the elements of happiness and then treasuring them while they last.”
James E. Faust
“All the minds and spirits that God ever sent into the world are susceptible of enlargement.”
Joseph Smith
“In the ideal home, each child would be given every possible opportunity to develop his own personality without too much domination. Discipline is organized love, and children develop properly in an atmosphere of love, with adequate guidelines to shape their lives and their habits. More children are punished for mimicking their parents than ever for disobeying them. We should be what we want to see.”
LeGrand R. Curtis
“We mortals have a limited view of life from the eternal perspective. But if we know and understand Heavenly Father’s plan, we realize that dealing with adversity is one of the chief ways we are tested. Our faith in our Heavenly Father and his beloved Son, Jesus Christ, is the source of inner strength. Through faith we can find peace, comfort, and the courage to endure. As we trust in God and his plan for our happiness with all our hearts and lean not unto our own understanding, hope is born. Hope grows out of faith and gives meaning and purpose to all we do. It can give us comfort in the face of adversity, strength in times of trial, and peace when we have reason for doubt or anguish.”
M. Russell Ballard
“Hard work is a blessing of God. It involves going after it “with all your heart, might, mind and strength.” That alone is the difference between the average and the excellent.”
 “Victory is brought to pass by one’s personal diligence and commitment to hard work.
The view of a champion, and the glory that surrounds him, must never be overshadowed by the long process of becoming one. There is a time of preparation and a time of victory. The second mile of hard work is what makes the difference between the exhilaration of achievement and the acceptance of mediocrity.”
F. David Stanley
“Certainly the day is here when, if we are to follow in his paths, we must take the weary, lonely, depressed, the troubled soul, and the gospel-hungry by the hand and lift and help. Yes, we also need to lift the dishonest, the self-condemning, and those who have chosen expediency over correct principles. Countless numbers today will be able to take their first steps in the right direction when we are willing to provide the lift of confidence and encouragement and give them back that self-respect …and to help others retain that self-respect.”
Marvin J. Ashton
“Those who walk in faith will feel their lives encompassed with the light and blessings of heaven. They will understand and know things that others cannot.”
 Joseph B. Wirthlin

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