Friday, December 12, 2014

We trudge along without the light we could potentially be having

This is a response to my email today (the post below), I love what Shari had to say and just wanted to share it with you.

I love this email! And, what a great photo. thank you for bringing me happiness today! I really like Brother Eyring's quote. And the reminder to turn on the light. We were talking about this at book club, how in my closet are several lights and when one goes out I notice it right away, but after awhile I get used to the dimness and don't notice it. I think life is like this, we let little lights go out and after a while don't notice the dimness and we trudge along without the light we could potentially be having. and we get used to that dimness and way of living. It's a good reminder to "remember to turn on the light."

love you!


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