Monday, December 22, 2014

We're all pilgrims

Hope is putting faith to work when doubting would be easier.  
Thomas S. Monson

Wise men still seek Him

"If the blessings were immediate, choosing the right would not build faith."
Henry B. Eyring

"Angels are still sent to help us"
Jeffrey R. Holland

"The first syllable of the word testimony is test and yes, there is a test in acquiring the knowledge you seek. But please don't be discouraged on this quest! The Lord wants to send His Spirit to you--He wants you to know! But He also wants you to act in faith and to move forward even when you don't know."
John Bytheway

"A testimony is more like a dimmer switch that makes possible an almost infinite number of settings between total light and total darkness. Just as there are levels of light, there are levels of testimony as well. I know, I believe, I desire to believe, I wonder, I doubt, I don't believe"

In the end, we're all pilgrims seeking after God's light as we journey on the path of discipleship.
Dieter F. Uchtdorf

"May we, as did the Wise Men, seek a bright, particular star to guide us in our celebration of the Savior's birth."  
Thomas S. Monson

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